RSP-ESC: Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is the RSP-ESC qualification and how does it differ from other qualifications?
    • The new RSP-ESC accreditation is being designed for professionals who may be responsible for the development, implementation, and assessment of erosion and sediment control plans or compliance, training or provision of advice regarding the management of ESC across industry. The accreditation is being designed to ensure relevant parties across both Australia and New Zealand have confidence that a Registered Soil Practitioner has been trained to develop and apply erosion and sediment control standards in line with contemporary best practice. The accreditation will be a part of Soil Science Australia’s Registered Soil Practitioner program.
  2. What is the process for applying for RSP-ESC?
    • The RSP-ESC Task Force is currently developing this. Further information will be provided as the process progresses.
  3. How many years’ experience do I require to apply for RSP-ESC?
    • This is currently being developed by the RSP-ESC Task Force. Further information will be provided as the process progresses.
  4. Will existing qualifications or recognised prior learning be accepted and alter the assessment requirements for applying for RSP-ESC?
    • It is intended that applicants experience, qualifications and prior learning be considered as part of the application for RSP-ESC. This is currently being developed by the RSP-ESC Task Force. Further information will be provided as the process progresses.
  5. What do I do if I hold CPESC accreditation?
    • IECA Australasia no longer administers the Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control (CPESC) accreditation. The RSP-ESC Task Force is considering whether people accredited under CPESC and other similar programs may be eligible for RSP-ESC accreditation. All enquiries relating to CPESC should be directed to EnviroCert International.
  6. What is the timing for RSP-ESC becoming live?
    • The program will be formally launched at the IECA Australasia Annual Conference (16-18 October 2024).
  7. Who is administering the RSP-ESC qualification?
    • The accreditation will be a part of Soil Science Australia’s (SSA) Registered Soil Practitioner program.
  8. Do I need to be a member of IECA or SSA or both to apply for and hold RSP-ESC?
    • This is currently being developed by the RSP-ESC Task Force. Further information will be provided as the process progresses.
  9. What is the application cost and annual renewal fee for the RSP-ESC?
    • This is currently being developed by the RSP-ESC Task Force. Further information will be provided as the process progresses.
  10. Will it be a requirement to maintain and demonstrate CPD/PDU hours for renewal?
    • Yes, like any professional qualification/accreditation it is expected that ongoing professional development will be undertaken by all holders of RSP-ESC. Specific requirements are currently being developed by the certification Task Force and will be outlined within the application package.
  11. What is the benefit of obtaining RSP-ESC?
    • The accreditation will assist in demonstrating a high level of knowledge regarding erosion and sediment control standards in line with best practice.
  12. Will RSP-ESC become required or referenced within future guidelines, specifications, approvals, etc?
    • It is suggested that a requirement for “suitably qualified professional/s” be referenced as opposed to specific qualifications. RSP-ESC (or similar) is considered to demonstrate one aspect of what should be considered a requirement for a person to demonstrate “suitably qualified”. A position statement regarding the requirements for a “suitably qualified professional” is provided here (

If you have further questions please email the IECA Aust office,, or send and enquiry to SSA,